Myths and Facts of Counseling

Myth: Therapy is only for people who are messed up. Fact: Therapy is a tool to help you navigate the process of identifying underlying themes and beliefs that are not producing the results you desire in your life. Myth: Talking won’t fix anything. Fact: Talking alone may not rectify a situation, but talking does allow…

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Summer Reading Groups for Children

If you are blessed enough to be able to offer a reading group in a local library, school, or daycare, you may be looking for tips on how to make it as successful as possible. Here are some tips to help you hold a successful story hour: Hold the book at just below shoulder level…

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Navigating Fatherhood: Embracing the Adventure and Challenges

Fatherhood is a transformative journey filled with joy, responsibility, and a fair share of unique challenges. As new fathers embark on this adventure, they often find themselves navigating the delicate balance between bonding with their newborns and maintaining a strong sense of self. The journey begins with the realization that life as a dad involves…

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Navigating the Rollercoaster: The Unique Struggles of Being a New Mother

Becoming a mother is a profound and life-altering experience, filled with joy, wonder, and the inevitable sleepless nights. However, the journey of new motherhood comes with its unique set of challenges, often centered around the delicate balance of nurturing a healthy sense of self while caring for a newborn. One of the primary struggles is…

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Navigating Anxiety: Practical Approaches for Well-Being

Anxiety can cast a shadow over our lives, affecting our mental and emotional well-being. Acknowledging the importance of self-care in managing anxiety is crucial for building resilience and fostering a positive mindset. In this article, we’ll explore practical exercises and examples for addressing anxiety and promoting overall well-being. Grounding Techniques for Immediate Relief: When anxiety…

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Nurturing the Caretaker: A Holistic Approach to Mental Well-Being

Caring for others is a noble and fulfilling endeavor, but often, caretakers find themselves neglecting their own well-being in the process. In the demanding role of a caretaker, be it for a family member, friend, or client, it’s easy to overlook the importance of self-care. However, the mental health of caretakers is paramount, as their…

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3 Keys to Happiness in Daily Life

It doesn’t take a whole new routine to instill a dose of happiness into your day—but it does take a little self awareness. 1. Be grateful for the good & the bad. Research shows, grateful people are happy people. It’s also important to understand that happiness is not the absence of negative feelings. Gratitude is…

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