Myth: Therapy is only for people who are messed up.

Fact: Therapy is a tool to help you navigate the process of identifying underlying themes and beliefs that are not producing the results you desire in your life.

Myth: Talking won’t fix anything.

Fact: Talking alone may not rectify a situation, but talking does allow you to identify what is prolonging your suffering and what steps you can take to reduce the severity of your response to the situation. Even in extreme causes such as grief and trauma, talking with a therapist allows you to identify stuck points and resolve cognitive traps associated with them.

Myth: Therapists tell you what to do.

Fact: A therapist is not there to tell you what to do or to make decisions for you. Instead, they serve to help you sift through your thoughts and identify underlying cognitive distortions or beliefs that no longer work so that you may change these aspects of yourself. This allows you to make an informed decision based on your desires and values.

Myth: Therapy is too expensive.

Fact: There are numerous online platforms that assist clients in finding sliding scale therapists, there are often local clinics and therapy offices that offer sliding scale services, and many there may be local state funded therapy options available.

Myth: Therapist only care about you while they are getting paid.

Fact: Many, if not all, therapists care for their clients tremendously. However, they too have bills to pay and have to eat. Discontinuing services when a client cannot pay is not an uncaring act but instead adherence to ethical guidelines found in the ACA code of conduct, and an act of good personal boundaries.